Bangalore, Karnataka, India, 31st October 2019: Bangalore International Academy Whitefield in association with Hoopsters Campus A+ and Rio Production announced a unique and innovative Sports and Fashion Carnival called The Big Bang Fest which is powered by Hoopsters League of Action Heroes.

In a quest to redefine how education institution are organizing their initiatives may it be sports, extra-curricular activities or academics Bangalore International Academy Whitefield along with Hoopsters League of Action Heroes have conceptualized this unique initiative where children, parents and educationist from various schools come and participate in various uniquely designed segments like sports for change, education for change, fashion for change, art for change, attitude for change, empathy for change under each segments there are multiple activities for children where they will participate throughout the day and as it’s been organized on the Children Month of November the entire initiative is conducted free of cost for participating children, School and parents.
“We believe in holistic education and helping children in all aspects of life not just limited to academics because in this ever-changing environment the requirement of preparedness is not driven by just information in books, it needs to be driven by life skills, mental health, creativity which will habituate the children to thrive in any situation throughout their life,” said Rtn Dr. D. Muniraju, Chairman Bangalore International Group of Institutions.
“The uniqueness of the initiative lies in having regular and prominent initiatives which are great for the health of the child both physical and mental like Triathlon, Karate, Yoga, Chess and at the same time engaging them with a creative contest like drawing on the spot, spot photography and talent hunt which will all be connected toward life skills learning and drive change which could be as an individual, change in immediate environment resulting to change in our overall society at large,” added Dr. N R Shashikala, Director Bangalore International Academy.
The other Highlight of this initiative is Fashion Event by Rio production House called Little Icons India – Icons of Change, where children from all age categories will be walking the ramp to bring about a change where they are embracing sustainable fashion.
“We wanted children and parents to understand that fashion is not just about fancy new clothes or teaching children how to pose or pout for a camera it’s beyond, hence we have mandated to all the participants that they cannot use any synthetic material dresses, they cannot purchase fancy new clothes for the show parents and children needs to innovate their own costume and make it themselves using the clothes that they already have. The best part is we have this contest open for parents too where they can walk the ramp and showcase their talent and creativity,” said M. Shankar, Founder RIO Production House.
“Today there is a dramatic change in our learning methodology. As we know there is a paradigm shift. Earlier just going to classrooms, learning just the syllabus which rote learning methodology is the thing of the past. Our students, the present-day learners are not empty baskets just to fill in, it’s about enlightening their heart, they have their own intrinsic worth, potential, they have their own talent and hidden skills. The very meaning of Educare (a Latin word from which the word education was derived) is to bring them out. We need bring out their talent, potentials, hidden skills, the intrinsic worth of students not just follow time table. Holistic education has profound meaning it cannot be taught in the four walls of the classroom that is why initiatives like these are very essential. Especially one kind of holistic education is outdoor learning. The only thing constant is change, we need to adhere to follow these kind policies to provide a holistic education. Especially in this age of cutting edge technology, I think this kind of change is a must,” added their Academic Advisor, Dr. Abraham Ebenezer.
Now talking about the entire conceptualization of the idea Mr. Bala, Founder of Hoopsters League of Action Hero said, “We have always believed that the only way we can create an ecosystem for our present and future generation is by engaging them and giving them the responsibility to drive change and community ownership. Hence our entire platform is built around encouraging and rewarding small acts which will turn into life long habits. Hence when we got this opportunity to join hand with Bangalore International Academy we wanted to deliver something impactful which will leave a lasting impact of change in all the participants and viewers alike. We are thrilled about this engagement.”
They Invite all the schools, corporates, parents and change-makers to come forward and join this initiative towards change in the most fun filled manner on the 30th November 2019.
To know more about this initiative and participate please do contact school
Participation contact: +91 9482385151