Pune, Maharashtra, India | 17th June 2020: In contribution to fight the COVID-19 crisis in India, Skroman Switches Pvt. Ltd. in association with Pelican Telecom Pvt. Ltd. have launched ITTS 20, India’s first Contactless Infrared Thermal Temperature Scanner with IOT based mobile app. This made in India product is a wall mounted device that can be used at entry points of establishments. It detects a person’s body temperature and sends alerts on a mobile device along with maintaining records of temperatures. And the good part is, it requires absolutely no human contact.

Skroman Switches Pvt Ltd. Founder Mr. Pranit Parekar has designed and developed India’s first Contactless Infrared Thermal Temperature Scanner ITTS 20 with IOT based mobile app which is marketed & distributed by Pelican Telecom Pvt. Ltd.
The COVID-19 pandemic has pushed us to accept certain changes and has made us more vigilant. With no infection specific and evidence-based remedy available as yet with all public places opening, prevention is only option we are left with. With ITTS 20, it would be easier for Temples, Schools, Offices, Malls and other public places to ensure safety and prevent the spread.
The ITTS 20 range of devices have advanced features to fulfill each of your requirements. Giving users the power to remotely manage entry points without requiring any operator. It detects a person’s body temperature and sends alerts on a mobile device along with maintaining records of temperatures.

It’s a versatile product that can be connected with existing access control systems of Offices/Factories/Temples/Malls and has a unique feature of controlling visitors. It is connected in such a way that after the employee has shown their smart card/fingerprint, the ITTS 20 scanner still does not allow the door to be opened unless the body temperature of the person is within permissible limit. If it’s found to be more, the door does not open and a loud buzzer is triggered, thereby alerting people around and an alert is also sent on a mobile device which has been paired with the unit. Multiple such devices can be paired to one single mobile device. Moreover, the mobile app also maintains records of all the temperatures scanned along with the time of scanning, these records can then be exported for analysis. If no power supply is present, the ITTS 20 also operates on batteries. Its mobile app is available on Google Play store/Apple App Store.
Mr. Pranit Parekar says, “Various establishments will now start their operations by following various safety measures – one of which is thermal scanning of people entering the premises. An Indian brand with such a high quality product will help establishments execute safety measures in a very effective manner.”
The IR Thermometers available in the market currently are mostly imported from China and give highly inaccurate findings, technical specifications of many of such products are also not known. Moreover, they need a human resource to use such devices; multiplying the risk of contamination. This can be a major issue for an establishment that has multiple entry points. Waste of important resources and putting people at risk doesn’t make sense in such times. They defeat the purpose of prevention, since the human resource scan temperatures from close distances and social distancing is not maintained which increases risk of contamination.
The ITTS 20 devices can be used at all kinds of establishments including Temples, Schools, offices, showrooms, housing societies, manufacturing units, stores, supermarkets, theatres, hospitals, hotels and commutation services.
The easy to install, contactless, efficient, sensitive and specific and ‘Made in India’ thermal detector is now available.
For more details, please visit the website www.itts20.com.