We are publishing an interview of Mr. Ashish Bahukhandi, Founder Founder & CEO Apps Discover Technologies.

About the founders
Mr. Bahukhandi holds an Engineering degree from Computer Science from Career Institute of Technology & Management (CITM), Faridabad, Haryana, India affiliated from MDU. He is visionary entrepreneur behind the concept of Apps Discover. His quintessential personality and experience in all the verticals of IT, Digital Marketing and Advertising has created a new benchmark in IT industry.
What is the problem you are trying to solve? Can you share with us any insights that led you to believe that this is a big enough problem?
We are trying to create a better and user-friendly advertising interface for both Advertisers and Affiliates. As an agency, we want to solve the problem of unorganized pay out interface between the advertiser and publisher. When the publisher doesn’t get the pay-out, he deserves, he shifts to some other advertiser or agency. By not giving a certain amount to publishers, advertisers are cutting the branch of the tree they are sitting on. So yes, it’s a very major problem and as an agency we try not to make such mistakes.
What is the uniqueness about your Startup?
We offer complete Ad Network solutions to our customers:
- We promote Android Apps and make sure that the app penetrates in the market.
- We also do branding and performance Campaigns.
- Our Android SDK allows our partners to deliver high quality ads with high conversion and payouts.
- Fairness, Integrity and Honesty with our partners is our policy and we follow it with high levels of dedication to make sure we build reputation.
- To ensure we deliver quality, we focus on innovations whether its business strategies or our technology platforms to support our business.
What is the revenue model?
We have a very generic revenue model based on action of the viewer. The logic behind our revenue model is to provide a hassle-free user experience.
The revenue model we follow is:
- CPI (Cost Per Install)
- CPC (Cost Per Click)
- CPA (Cost Per Activation)
- CPL (Cost Per Lead) ETC
Who are the consumers that you are targeting?
Advertisers, publishers and Affiliates are our targeted consumers. We at Apps Discover believe in providing a prominent ad solution to our consumers with the maximum number of audience at a very affordable price.
What is the big picture of your startup? Will it lead to something bigger? If so, how?
We believed in phenomenal growth, when we started in the year 2013 we only had 3 to 5 employees and now we have around 100 of employees. Our exponential performance rate has been the major player behind our expansion in Singapore and Indonesia. We aim to become the google adsense of the Indian market and for which we have further expansion plans in South East Asian countries.
What is the success story of your startup in your own words?
With a phenomenal growth, Apps Discover, has now reached the international market with its expansion in south east Asian countries like Singapore and Indonesia. So far Apps Discover has provided its expertise to many leading companies like Amazon, Snapdeal, Alibaba and times Internet and it aims to become the google adsense of India.
In the beginning, we have faced several challenges but Lack Of transparency in sharing data from Advertising end has been our major challenge. For example, Many Big advertisers deduct the huge amount from final pay-outs of big Advertising companies. We have come up with more of a transparency pattern with our publishers we believe that if we will keep our publishers happy then only we will get the best outcome from them, it’s more like a give and take relation. Our relation with publishers and advertisers is the reason behind our success.
Any other information about your startup that you would like to share with us.
Brief about the Company- Apps Discover Technologies Pvt Ltd is a premium Digital Ad Network Marketing Company / Apps Discover Technologies Pvt Ltd is a premium Mobile and Desktop Ad Network solution provider company that offers the most preferred online affiliate programs & affiliate marketing products which help advertisers across multiple industrial backgrounds to advertise their service offerings and track mobile ad campaigns in the easiest way possible. Apps Discover is an intelligent mobile advertising platform designed to help mobile technology companies to reach global growth, acquire active users and monetize inventory.
Thanks Ashish. Best of luck!