The Hope emanating story of a 4 month old baby with Liver disorder

We all know life is not easy, you never know what is waiting for you at which end. You may get your life’s most beautiful surprise or the most dreadful shock.

I also have a real incident to share with you people because it is one of the most difficult cases on which my doctor’s team worked upon. The burden we all had, the pressure they were facing while performing was unbearable but still, we all managed to work in the tremendous stress.

The Hope emanating story of a 4 month old baby with Liver disorder

This is the case of a 4month old baby, with a liver disorder. Having a liver problem for such a small baby is difficult, at such small age they suffer from a lot of pain, injections and even medicines. Small babies are delicate giving a lot of medicines can leave a bad effect on them for the rest of their life. So we have to take special care of them that we cannot give them a heavy dose of medicines and we have to put them under observation continuously because we cannot afford to do any kind of negligence.

We successfully managed a liver transplant of a 4-month-old baby suffering from Biliary atresia which is a very rare disease of liver & bile ducts occurring in infants. Initially, the parents of the baby were not sure about traveling to India for treatment, there were doubtful but somehow they convinced themselves. The interface developed by Arvene connected the operating surgeon and local doctors in a consistent loop, and the same interface managed all the other things like the transfers and Visa formalities. This emergency situation was handled at war footing because all the things were managed under a single umbrella.

In this case, medical tourism helped the baby to be cured. Medical Tourism is the tourism done for any medical treatment, wherein, the patients travel to some country, other than their own country, for obtaining some sort of medical treatment there. Earlier, people from underdeveloped countries used to travel to developed countries which had latest medical facilities. I foresee India as the next big hub of medical tourism. Statistics reveal that India has issued over 178000 medical tourist visas in 2016 alone.

While I was working with a leading hospital back in 2016, all the founders there realized that there is a huge gap in medical tourism sector where services are unorganized. We felt that there is demand for a technological solution that patients can use to connect with doctors directly to improve transparency and also follow up post treatment/surgeries. I believe that, for an international patient who is planning a treatment in India, there is a great degree of friction in the entire process since the patient is dependent on freelancers or language translators and there is no or minimal direct communication between the doctor and patient. Our platform solves the same friction by giving access to the leading surgeons for a second opinion and also allows the user to take a follow up through video or text consults after she has reached the native country.

We are looking at a future where India is the de facto destination for treatment of all medical ailments. Add to this list the government push for AYUSH Ministry and we have a potent strategy in place. Many more companies and even hospitals are taking inspiration from Arvene Healthcare and outreaching to millions.