Spreco Recycling was launched 3 years ago with a vision to clean E-waste and provide clean environment to society. It has successfully carved its name in the field of E- waste management. Their goal is to deliver not only better environmental outcomes but also a better community and social outcomes too. Mr. Amanjot Singh is the founder & director of Spreco Recycling. He decided to have a startup in the field of E-waste management when he was doing the research in this area. He started doing job as an Assistant Professor in an Engineering college after completing his studies and after getting free from his work he used to study about starting a new business requirements. He belonged to a service class family and it was difficult for him to enter into business and compel his parents. Finally he left his job and started looking for space, machinery, Government licenses and started this company. He has a team of engineers working with him, skilled labor, part time accountants, marketing executives, IT manager who are working with complete dedication and continuously increasing the collection targets and productivity of the company.

Q.: What is the problem you are trying to solve ?
Ans: E-waste or Electronic waste comprises of useless, discarded and obsolete Electronic, Electrical and IT equipments. This waste contains various toxic elements like mercury, lead which can pollute our environment if E-waste is not recycled properly. Traditionally, E-waste is recycled in India using rudimentary techniques which causes lot of harm to our environment and labor working in this area. When I was pursuing my Masters in Engineering in Electronics from PEC University, Chandigarh. I was working on development of electronics and suddenly, a point came into my mind, where this electronic products that we develop go after they are of no use. This gave me an insight into new area of E-waste and I began my research in E-waste management. I studied E-waste management in various countries and went to China to bring technology to India using which I could recycle E-waste in an environment friendly manner. India generates about 5 lakh tons of E-waste annually and this is growing at a rate of 15 % per annum. India is 5th largest generator of E-waste in the world and till now, only 5 % of E-waste is recycled properly as per guidelines in India.
Thus, E-waste has become a very serious problem for our country. Central Pollution Control Board, State Pollution Control Boards, National Green Tribunal (NGT) are working very hard in this regard to curb this menace to environment.
Q. Tell us about the solution ? How did you get first customer ?
Ans: Spreco Recycling has a great state of art recycling facility comprises of various machines. Using this facility, we recycle E-waste and recover metals from E-waste like Copper, Iron, Aluminium, Lead, Plastic and we sell these metals to the metal industry. All processing is done using Air pollution control devices so that no pollution is caused to the environment. We procure E-waste like used Computers, Refrigerators, Washing machines, Laptops etc from industries and households.
Finding our first customer was very difficult for us as we had to explain the industry why they should not sell their E-waste to a normal scrap dealer who will process E-waste in an Informal manner and damage the environment. But finally, we were able to have deal with our first customer – Sonalika Tractors Limited, Hoshiarpur who gave us 238 old laptops that were of no use for them.
Then we started a race and continuously kept on adding new clientage and have agreements with various major Public and Private organizations like Pepsico, Coco- cola, Vardhman Group, Ivy Hospitals, Satia Group, Shreyans Group and many more who provide us their E-waste frequently.

Q. What is your USP ? What is the insight you about this market, which no one else have ?
Ans: USP that we have:
- Technically: Our founder being a research scholar in this field has a vast experience in E-waste recycling. Advancement in technology in electronics industry brings new products in market and needs new recycling processes to recycle them. It is very difficult to buy new recycling technology rapidly as that becomes economically non viable. Our founder himself manages R & D activities and we have in house research and development to keep pace with market.
- Logistics: We have dedicated logistics network tie ups which help us transport material in a fast manner.
Q. Who in your mind is your ideal customer? Do have anyone of them signed up ?
Ans: Ideal customers for us: Pepsico, Fredeunberg. Signed Partners: Pepsico, Fredeunberg.
Q. What has been your biggest failure as an entrepreneur? What did you learn from it ?
Ans: My biggest failure as an entrepreneur is managing multiple fields myself. I learnt that as an entrepreneur, as a founder, you really love your startup and get emotionally and wish to cover every aspect yourself like legal affairs, marketing affairs, R& D, processing, finance. One should assign independent roles and look after them from management point of view and let employees work as independent functional.
Q. How are you pricing the product?
Ans: We have kept very low margins and our target is to have large volume. With this approach, we are increasing our volumes continuously each month and helping us have more profit. Starting with a collection of only 2 to 3 Tons of E-waste each month, now we have reached 10 to 15 Tons collection each month. We hope to have above 25 tons of E-waste collection each month coming next year.
Q.: Any interesting story of startup ?
Ans: When we went to China looking for recycling machinery, we could not find any English speaking person in the hotel during the time of check in. We reached late night at the hotel, the receptionist did not knew English and My phone Google translator was also not working. I had no option to talk with her. Any how she gave us room. In my room, A.C. was not working and it was hot in the month of August. As receptionist did not knew English, I could not talk on phone in my room. I had to go down from 7th floor and bring receptionist to my room and everything I had to tell her using postures. It was very difficult to communicate with taxi drivers, people in mall, do shopping. But with deep patience and happy face, I finally stayed there and did my work.

Q.: Since Inception, give us a sense of the value of business done by your venture ?
Ans: As per my targets when starting this venture, we are successful in conquering them.
Starting with a collection of only 2 to 3 Tons of E-waste each month, now we have reached 10 to 15 Tons collection each month. We hope to have above 25 tons of E-waste collection each month coming next year.
Our Clientage is increasing very fast. Now we have above 100 major groups who are working with us and supplying us their E-waste.
We have launched Android App named Spreco to enable households hand over their E-waste to us at their doorsteps. We are getting great response on our App also. People from far away states are also accessing our App.
Recently, We have got approval from Chandigarh Pollution Control Committee also.
Q.: What is the big picture of your startup ?
Ans: Electronics industry is growing very fast. In each sector, telecom, medical, IT, Construction, Electronics industry has made a deep influence. With the growth in Electronics Industry, E-waste is also growing at a pace of 15 % per annum. India generating about 5 lakh tons of E-waste has a huge scope for this industry. We are planning to have a new facility in Mohali also because we are very close to reaching our current capacity of our plant of 30 Tons per month.

Q. What would be your goal to accomplish in the next six months?
Ans.: Collection of E-waste: 30 Tons per month. Clientage: 300 Clients. A new Recycling facility at Mohali.
Q.: What new message do you want to convey to your fellow entrepreneurs ?
Ans: Entrepreneurship is a love. When you start a venture, you need to realize that you have fall in love. You will have to see tides and face them. You will have to spend time with your venture without limits as the market is highly competitive.
Vision, Mission, Goals need to be clear. Ethics, Honesty are the key tools going to help you through this journey.
Identify the problem, study the solution, take the risk and go ahead without looking back…………..Success is going to be yours……………………
Thanks Amanjot. All the best!