JEE-Daily is an online magazine published by InnovED Global Private Limited, a Kolkata based start-up established 1.5 years ago. It aims at guiding students achieve 100% success in competitive examinations across the country.
Competitive examinations like IIT-JEE, WB JEE, etc are getting difficult and complex with every passing year. Earlier, when there was fewer impact of technology in the country, preparing for these competitive examinations was quite difficult. Having a clear knowledge about the question paper format and the kind of questions asked in these examinations was next to impossible for students with less to no access of internet and technology.
In recent times, where internet has reached to maximum houses of the country, getting the perfect sample of questions to crack these competitive examinations continues to be a bane.

The team at InnovED Global Private Limited try to break this barrier of restricted learning, ranking among the top online coaching platforms guiding students to crack these competitive examinations. They started as a small-scale start-up in Kolkata dreaming to stride high.
With the vision to reach the masses, they decided to launch JEE Daily Magazine free of cost for JEE aspirants. Currently, they are available on , , JioMags App in News and Education Segment and Magzter
At InnovED Global Private Limited, they provide the perfect study material required to crack these competitive examinations with mock sample test papers that they publish every month. They have excellent response from students across the country. On having such a great response from the students, they decided to expand this venture to a larger platform. JEE Daily magazine is incorporated with online test series software making it first-of-its-kind. All the mock tests, sample tests and daily practice tests published in the magazine will be available for free for JEE aspirants to practice on
With JEE Advanced going completely online it would help JEE aspirants that could not afford online test series because of various reasons.
InnovED Global has also launched NEET Daily for students preparing for Medical entrance exams like NEET and AIIMS.
InnovED Global Private Limited is still expanding day-by-day and they dream to achieve high goals in the course of time putting all our hard work and time, helping students across the country to get access to an easy and simple format of learning and striding high.