We are publishing an interview of Ms. Deepakshi Gulati, Co-founder and Support Director, Feelinglone.
Please tell us about the founders
- Vivek Srivastava: CEO and Founder. He is having 18 + Yrs of Experience in Product Management and Marketing within India and Middle east , worked with Large MNCs and Telecom Operators.
Vivek Srivastava - Dipika Srivastava: CEO and FOUNDER . She is the Senior Teaching and counseling professional, having more then 12 years of experience in Students behavior analysis , coaching and mentoring as well as counseling services in schools and institutions. She has been engaged with multiple NGOs and mental health organisations, services the community with open heart.
Dipika Srivastava - Deepakshi Gulati: Operations and Support Director. She is having 4+ Years of experience in NGO and Students Counseling in Northern India and been engaged in multiple social activities for schools and various hospitals.
Deepakshi Gulati - Mahir Asrani: Technical Director. He is a Hardcore Programmer and UX designer working on technical front.
Mahir Asrani
We all met when we were working as part of a NGO event and as we all were focusing towards humanity and charitable events, our synergies matched with each other and we decided to form a team where we can serve the people beyond the boundaries of religion, countries, race and faith and we all can serve “One human being”.
Give us a brief background of what founders were doing before starting the venture.
All of us were in the same field and were doing the similar work with different NGO’s, companies and Organisations. But now, we are working together towards an initiative.
List all the names of the core team members, along with their skill-sets, specific domain expertise & designated roles.
We have around 15 professionals helping us achieve our goal. They all possess therapeutic skills and have empathetic nature which are key elements to serve people. We also have six professional Counselors, four Psychologists, three Clinical Psychologists, two Psychiatrists, two Special Educators and also one Neuro-Psychiatrist in our team.
They are already a part of our family of differentiators but we see them evolving with us in our journey not only on professional front but also gaining some beautiful experiences.
What is the problem you are trying to solve?
The whole world has become so Materialistic that People facing loneliness and depression suffer this alone and due to social stigma, they don’t want to share this with friends and family.
We are a startup into Health and Wellness support, Human physiological Management & support where we offer the counseling services to the Anxiety and depression laden people, suffering from loneliness and emptiness in their lives. As they don’t want to share their feelings with family and friends due to social stigma attached and also don’t want to visit personally to Doctor premises due to social barriers, the situation become worse for them on day by day.
We as Feelinglone, offer real time, online professional Counseling support with our Best in class Audio Video and chat based platform to all of the suffering individuals all across the world.
Our Counselors and Psychological doctors are spread all across the world and they help to the people ensuring confidentiality and reliability in our one to one counseling sessions where they can privately talk to our counselors / Psychiatrists doctors with comfort from their private rooms /premises at any times of the day/night.
What challenges did you face when you were starting out?
Listening is a hard job to take on, and as Listeners, we voluntarily take it upon ourselves to, on top of our own lives and issues, take on the issues of the Patient and attempt to impart whatever unbiased wisdom we may possess concerning their problems. It is on us to believe in the ability of the Patient to make them better, to take them at their word, give them the benefit of the doubt, and to show them that it is entirely possible for someone to believe in them.
Also, we had terrible times regarding funding because as a startup none was interested to invest in the sheer. We also had difficulties in convincing doctors to join us in this initiative.
But owing to Vivek and his unfathomable faith in our abilities, we overcame all the hardships and have been where we are now.
How did you get the initial capital? What returns does it have? Tell us about the investors (if any).
Currently, we are a bootstrapped startup and serving the humanity from our own saving. Yes, we want to raise funding to a certain extent where we can expand our services and operations to many more cities, locations and countries and use the full advantage of technology to enable our services to reach all across the globe.
Please tell us about the Product / Solution. Explain how you went about the Product-Market Fit Process.
We, Feelinglone offer Technology enabled Audio/Video/Text based Support to all individuals / people to enable them to win their confidence back and concur the world once again.
We Provide All kind of Counseling services-First level support with help from our Professional Counselors and second level support is been offered by Clinical Psychologists , with whom they can share their problems and get support /Private and Confidential consultation via our Audio/Video/text based counseling platform , Without anybody else knowing about their this social and personal challenges in life.
We provide counseling and mental aid which gives them motivation and support to overcome their problems. For this, we have a panel of doctors including Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Counselors, Neuropsychiatrists, Clinical Psychologists and a team of doctors who specialize in rehabilitation. We have doctors who specialize in different fields so that we can provide the best counseling services possible. We have the appointment system through which patients can take appointment and discuss their problems with the doctors directly through chat, audio or video features.
Also, we provide services through the chatrooms on the website. People can come and discuss their daily problems, hassles, agony, anger, disgust and loneliness with our counselors in the chatrooms who will help them. Also, patients can ask for advice in career, personal choices and workplace in our chatrooms from our team of counselors who will give them the best possible advice.
Also, we provide services through the chatrooms on the website. People can come and discuss their daily problems, hassles, agony, anger, disgust and loneliness with our counselors in the chatrooms who will help them. Also, patients can ask for advice in career, personal choices and workplace in our chatrooms from our team of counselors who will give them the best possible advice.
What were your assumptions when you entered the market, learning that you have?
We just wanted to reach out to people in their times of despise and despair. We wanted to provide them with a sense of comfort and authentic service along with conformity of their identity. Along with this notion in mind, we started our initiative.
What is the insight that you have about this market, which no one else has? Uniqueness about your Startup.
I believe that the highlight of our initiative is that we don’t aim at making money rather we genuinely want to help people in distress. This is the reason that we have many services on our platform.
What is the strength of the startup and the scale of operations? Who do You Perceive as Your Competition?
We perceive yourdost.com as our competitors but they are focused on India operations and our platform is global in nature and we support more than 11 languages support with our doctors/counselors coming from all across the globe.
What is the revenue model? What is the logic behind it? What is the model you are following – Free / Freemium / Premium etc. ? Explain your thought process.
We are currently providing free services in our chatrooms. So, people can visit our website, register and share their grief with any of the counselors and can receive the best possible solution to their problem in free.
Who are the consumers that you are targeting? How is this going to affect them?
Our primary audiences are individuals which can be students, working professionals, housewives and even elderly people who are suffering from depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, eating disorders, obsessive compulsive disorder, and with people who have special needs or people who need psychiatric help.
We also warmly welcome others that may have any kind of mental health issues that are related to depression or anxiety or any of related disorders. In addition to this, we also actively encourage those that live with, or care for someone with depression and/or anxiety to partake in this community in order that they learn more about these health concerns.
How did you get your first customer?
As we are an online platform, we received our first patient on the website when he was looking for help in some of his personal matters. One of our professional counselor approached him and gave him the best advice possible.
He later returned to the platform in order to thank the counselor and our services.
What is the big picture of your startup? Is this Product leading to something bigger? If so, how?
Yes. Through our platform, anyone can share their grief with our anonymous professional counselors while maintaining the confidentiality of their identity. Also, there is no fear of coming in notice of somebody or visiting a doctor’s premise.
Since inception, give us a sense of the value of business done by your venture?
We are in beta launch where we are offering our services free of cost and we are planning to generate the revenue after 3 months, when we have a database of more then 5000 customers on our platform. We are targeting all across the globe from a unified platform,revenue to exceed more then 1 million from all of our user base across the globe via our product / services offered in various form of psychological / mental health.
What would be your goal to accomplish in the next six months?
We are looking forward to the future with a glimpse of hope through our tinted eyes. Expansions of our staff, launching new services and specialized sectors and hiring professionals who can provide with the utmost and precise advice and help tackle situations are our utmost priority and enhancing customer experience.
What message do you want to convey to fellow entrepreneurs?
I would like to say just one thing and that is Always Believe in yourself. Do work that you are passionate about and always be honest to your work.