New Delhi, September 12, 2019: We’ve all made cutouts of paper from simple paper boats to more sophisticated shapes of Origami. Now ArtIllume‘s new media platform shows students how their childhood life can come back into a new bottle, to create large, illuminated origami tigers that combine the best of old Chinese lantern-making and the best digital design.

ArtIllume brought the ideas and experiences of the best in design and new media art to students in its first seminar at IIIT Delhi, to de-construct these spaces where art merges with science and tell them how they can see not just how their future design or technological carreers being bent anew, but in a totally new way.
Hitesh Kumar, the founder of Artillume, said, “There is an explosion of artistic experimentation that is made possible by technology, and there is an positive response. The contemporary art scene in other parts of the world has leveraged technology to produce amazing art and projection installations that are extremely immersive and interactive. There is a great potential in India, but there is no ecosystem for such new media art. Artillume plans to make new media design technology available to a big number of artists and students to experiment and showcase their new media artwork.”

Virtual reality, augmented reality, digital computing, robotics and animation all combine with art, design and three-dimensional animation to restore our emotional and evocative landscape. Students see how this is accomplished in small capsule-sized doses that are starting to increase their appetites.
They look into the world of interactive installations and ask why do you teach creativity separately from science and technology? Why is technology kept away from art, except for the film industry? And what a wonderful world to enter into which both bring big dreams and endless possibilities.
ArtIllume talks to students about the possibility of an incubation period in which art and technology experiments can grow on a new media space. Where they will gain from some of the stalwarts who have freed themselves from these separate silos of life in new media and communication. From the founder of Art Illume – Mr Hitesh Kumar, prominent influencers from a diverse range of backgrounds, such as art/museum curators, designers, orators, experts in technology, journalists, etc ..
ArtIllume, as a kind of new media platform, conducts these seminars throughout India in the context of their work as incubators, educators and custodians of this new art and technology world. In India and around the world they have made immersive art for a time. Now they want the new generation to become involved in this very infectious process. Why do they say Einstein & Picasso? CV Raman meets Amrita Shergill also in this world. India is a perfect base to remove boundaries, art for the sake of science and technology in the service of art.