Shopperts is a venture started on 1st Feb 2016. Dipanjan Charkroborty and Sumit Mittal are the two founders. The start-up is making their means and meets their ends.
Dipanjan Charkroborty is the founder of this company has more than ten years of experience in the research section of IBM and he is among the top cited mobile scientists globally.

Sumit Mittal is the co-founder and has more than 10 years of experience in IBM research and willing to embrace the new experience he comes in his day to day life.
Shopperts has a team of skilled and well-qualified members. Himanshu Jain is the lead architect-Technology who is a B.Tech in Chemical from IIT Bombay. Another member who has contributed the efforts is Amrit Rawat. He is the lead of Supply Operations who has given acme to the company. Ankur Banerjee is leading the demand operations and strategises the function of the company in a well-cordial way. All the Members are very friendly and devoted towards their work. Anyone will feel fantastic with them.
The company focuses on a creative concept of building a direct-to crowd selling channel. It also sells products by employing the group of personnel. Thousands of homemakers are grabbing the opportunity with the Shopperts daily. It provides employment chances by creating a mediator platform to look for employees by selling home decor, apparel, men’s wear, and women’s wear from brands. It is basically for hawking.
Shopperts is a platform for promoting relevant products to their friends, family, and social networks on Facebook, Whatsapp and collect orders. Shopperts has keen faith in deep learning technology that makes it possible for the participating sellers to receive fabulous products around the country. It will be liked by the consumers.
Corporate Outlook
The outlook is the most versatile, creative and motivating where the focus is on selling. It will be all around India.

Societal Impact:
Shopperts is creating a very new opportunity for millions of women and men to take up social selling as a part-time income opportunity. It aims to bring the platform to millions of home makers who are looking for financial inclusion, for contributing towards their family income, by utilising their free time better while being social.
Shopperts dream of a new and improved way through which selling is done, moving away from the tradition door to door selling to an online social model, with the focus on enabling consumers to discover cool products.
Anyone who has 2-3 hours of free time and is looking to spend this meaningfully can register with Shopperts as a participating seller, grow her consumerbase and start social selling. With women empowerment being a major drive throughout India, they believe Shopperts technology can fuel a significant growth of aspiring women wanting to work from home.
Stumbling Block with Solution
Shopperts are about inventing an out bounding network for small brands by utilizing the distance between small brands and end-consumers that never get to remember about these. 1000s of great quality products like excellent quality apparel, home decor, artificial jewelery brands that create great products which purchases will derive a lot of value from-only if some would be able to know them. Shopperts has the fabulous technology that connects the distance between the collective selling potential of a class of sellers.
Motivating sellers to hike the products to end-consumers in their social out-reach via ample of social media platforms. The sellers don’t need to have their own or stock the inventory. The purchasers will in-sight discovery of products that could be particular for the browsing social feeds of ample websites. It will start with new jokes to updates from friends.
Quantum Leap
The company initially promote their friends, family, and social network. It not only gets to earn great margins from recommending and reselling relevant products to the Social network on Social Media.
Sphere Reverberation
The first company was launched; they are creating a latest new chance for millions of women and men for having a social selling as a part-time income opportunity.
Quirky Merchandising Process
They are bringing the platform to millions of homemakers who look for financial inclusion. They are dreaming of a new and improved way through which selling is done. With women empowerment being a major drive throughout India, everyone has a faith that Shopperts technology will fuel a significant growth of aspiring women wanting to work from home. The women growth has become a demanding feature of the company.
Brand Commitment
The Shopperts has given a chance of a homemaker for reselling the products to her network. The Brand has committed to the empowerment the women section all over India. Shopperts has proved that its work is based on the best evidence available and that all that we do must be thoroughly calculated and promulgated. The formulated use of the Social Media is their fascinating thought. They have framed a strategy with the collaborative framework with women organizations and NGO’s etc.
They want to give the form of reality to unconscious thoughts of Indians. They also dream of a new and enhanced way through which selling is done, changing the tradition door to door selling to an online social model, with the concentration on enabling consumers to discover funky products. They want to increase the being a major drive of the development of women throughout India, the faith of Shopperts technology will fuel a significant growth of aspiring women wanting to work from home.