This Multi Dimensional Startup Creates a Platform for Purely Handmade and Customized Gifts
This Multi Dimensional Startup Creates a Platform for Purely Handmade and Customized Gifts

We are publishing an interview of Ms. Bhawana Singh, CEO & Founder, Adaugeo.

Bhawana Singh, CEO & Founder, Adaugeo
Bhawana Singh, CEO & Founder, Adaugeo

About the founders 
Bhawana Singh is running her three ventures. She is from Jaipur, a developer by profession and an entrepreneur by passion. Her creative mind and loving nature force her to start HandyMady and technical mind force her to start Adaugeo.

What is the problem you are trying to solve? Can you share with us any insights that led you to believe that this is a big enough problem? 
In Handmade segment, we have explored various possibilities to escalate real essence of love and creativity. So, with our first Handmade brand namely HandyMady which aims to have motto of “True Love, True Feelings”. HandyMandy is modeled format of imparting handmade sector for both development and learning. Under HandyMady, our main USP is to provide employment to women in rural areas and spread true love.

HandyMady is a platform for expressing your love to your loved ones by our purely Handmade and Customized gifts.

We have come up with wonderful concept of digitalization on which we are working. Adaugeo is out another venture in tech in which we are working with some amazing concepts.

Adaugeo Consultancy is the last ventures which is helping India to remove unemployment. We are working with AI technology to help employees and companies to work with the best environment.

This Multi Dimensional Startup Creates a Platform for Purely Handmade and Customized Gifts

What is the uniqueness about your Startup? 
We are Purely Handmade Customized Gifts and Crafts Startup.We provide you the gifts as well as we advice you of how to make your loved ones feel special.

It was actually my hobby, where I use to give my loved one only handmade gifts which they loved a lot and from there I thought to start this. These gifts consists of your feelings, memories and all those which you can’t express. We are multi dimensional startup.

What is the revenue model? 
Free: Giving Advice to People for making special occasions more special.
Premium: All handmade and customized gifts and crafts acc. to the requirement.

Who are the consumers that you are targeting? How is this going to affect them? 
We are targeting all who are in love so you can take mom, dad, son, daughter, boyfriend, girlfriend.

What is the big picture of your startup? Will it lead to something bigger? If so, how? 
We started in January 2017 .In just 5 and half months we went Internationally. We are getting orders from Australia, Europe and many more. And, all are loving our work of creative and customized gifts.

And if we talk about Adaugeo, the big picture is to make Adaugeo Technology brand the finest with international appeal and dynamism by proper involvement of every kind of expertise in different spheres from India and globe to make a grand success.

What is the success story of your startup in your own words? 
To start a business you don’t need money, you need passion, that’s what I learned from my journey.I started my business with just INR 3,000 in my pocket and passion for doing. And this passion helped me to have my Own IT company and HR company along with Handmade business. I was not at all supported by my parents as I was a girl but my attitude doesn’t allowed me to go back. Being a girl I faced many problems from family, investments, society. Till now also society doesn’t have that broad mind to accept alone girl as CEO.

My parents want to get married and then do whatever I want. There was a saying “Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow know what you truly want to become” – Steve Jobs.

My aim is different and I have to achieve it. I started Adaugeo in 2016 all alone, which is an IT and HR comapny and within an year I was recognized in “Top 25 Women Entrepreneur” in Jaipur by TIE Rajasthan. And after this technical dreams I though to follow my hobby that is Handmade gifts which I use to make just for my close ones. But, there is saying “Only true people are with you rest leaves you “so I was all alone again, had a bad breakup. I was broken again and that breakup taught me to live my life for me.

As handmade gift is my hobby and I know I can give smile to anyone’s face so then I started with another venture ‘HandyMady’ which helps broken hearts to get back again as I know what pain is and I dont want someone to be in pain.

I remember the first day I started and I got the first client. It was a positive sign that my gifts will make someone happy and from there my journey of HandyMady started. Within 1 year duration we went to International level, and everyone is loving our gifts.

Now I am also the Ambassador of ‘Nanhi Kali’.And all this I achieved alone.

Thanks Bhawana. Best of luck!