
City Real Estate people find solace in this influencer

In the time Pandemic, when people are losing jobs and finding ways to earn money, there is another side that could inspire many aspirants as well. This side of story is something that will give you a brow raiser. In this pandemic, there are people who gave some solace to the Real Estate business. Meet Anshul Bansal, who is an Influencer and an Influencer of Real Estate. 
Yes, Real Estate!! He is a Mohali based Real Estate Influencer and have more than 85.8K subscribers to his Youtube channel named

Technocrat Anshul- A gateway to your dream house”. His property reviewed videos have already crossed Millions of views and he is now been listed in the Top ten Property Gurus of India. Anshul Bansal, Business Man and an engineer by his education loves to be creative all the time and thought to start his own start-up in Real Estate so that he may make people understand the technicality behind any property purchase.

In his videos, he makes his viewers understand all the smallest possible details of a property. Hence, Real Estate owners invite him to review their properties. Interestingly, he has been able to create revenue out of it by making people purchase their dream homes that he reviewed, in the time of pandemic only.  Anshul has been able to influence more than 10 families in Tricity with his reviews and they have bought his reviewed properties as well.