SPIC IT Incubation Centre which is under the aegis of Department of Information Technology, Chandigarh was established in 2001 in Punjab Engineering College, Sector -12, Chandigarh where space was given to startup companies. SPIC Incubation has been first home of companies like; Net Solutions, Seasia, Bebo Technologies, Winshuttle, Safltek, Aptitude (IPCOS) and many more which have made it very big and are now well known name in IT Industry.
SPIC IT Incubation Centre has now been shifted to Plot 20 Entrepreneur Development Centre Building which is located in the heart of Chandigarh Technology Park which is a perfect destination to nurture any upcoming IT company. Entrepreneur Development Centre building is the first of its kind in North India which has been set up by Department of Information Technology , Chandigarh Administration in order to encourage upcoming IT companies to set up their facilities in the IT hub of Tricity. SPIC acts as single window system to facilitate upcoming IT companies at Incubation Centre in EDC Building by providing assistance in business basics, networking activities, recruitment of IT manpower as well as creating conducive environment for conducting IT business.
For more information you can visit www.spicindia.com. Click here to read complete details of incubation.
Email: info@spicindia.com, spicpre@gmail.com
M: +91 – 84273 55344, 94170 03069
Tele: +91 – 172 – 2970450, 2970451 (Mon-Fri 9am-6pm)
Some photographs of EDC Building, Infrastructure & Existing IT Companies: