Customers are the kingpin of any market and when talked about Restaurant industry, customers and their satisfaction is what governs the whole game. With people having acquainted with newer ways of communicating and shopping on digital platforms, a technological elevation at restaurants is just too obvious they expect in coming future.
With some of the famous fast food chains like McDonalds’s and Café Coffee Day offering free wifi service to all its customers, the transit of technological advancement in restaurants fraternity have already begun, but the question is, is that all what restaurant owners can promise on technological fronts. In fact, Dinning is more about munchies, diverse appetizing cuisines and aroma that quench once hunger. “A variance in dining experience is exactly what would give impulse to otherwise stagnant restaurant industry” says Ankush Sharma, the CEO of YeppAr.

The two dynamic and similar minded people, set off their journey to bring in more spontaneity in the overall dinning space experience. In their efforts of finding something new and afresh that can add WOW factor, they realized that restaurant industry is already bulging out with more than enough variant of cuisines and dishes. Through their personal experience they realized that the need of the hour is to make people acquaint with splendid and special dishes offered by each of individual restaurants within their space.
According to Rahul Mangal and Ankush Sharma, the Founder and the CEO of YeppAr app, technology is the only solution to elate the experience of the customers and make them more aware about each cuisine. The formation of YeppAr was a move in line with familiarizing people with the wide gamut of cuisines offered by the restaurants. The team behind the development of this unique app has loaded the app with bounteous number of features to change the horizon of dining space.
In a move to help restaurant industry engage more customers, they have come up with unique augmented based reality app-YeppAr that would give freedom to the customers to analyze the food before they order. Having to view your food and the added ingredients is much more than what today’s highly intellectual folk of people would demand for. “This would serve in the best interest of health conscious people who think twice before galloping a small chunk of food.” says Ankush Sharma, the CEO of YeppAr.
What’s noteworthy here is that, with Centers for Disease Control and Prevention revealing an alarming growth in rate of people having food allergies, the app seems to save some by offering a list of ingredients sautéed in the food they order. Restaurants having promised taste with safety are sure to look over such beneficial apps in coming future.
‘Gone are the days, when people have butterflies before ordering a cuisines with very confusing names.’ To solve this issue, we take help of YeppAr, with the use of which people first analyze the dish and then order. With streams of knowledge from ingredient checklist to review column, YeppAr fits in perfectly to alter, how people dine out? Another major concern with the customer’s visiting restaurants is the long waiting hours before the dish gets served on table. Letting customers to see some quick and simple recipes can serve as an option to get rid of boredom.
However, the developers of the fact are well aware of the fact that transition from old methods to new ones comes in with whole lot of resistance and efforts and thus, starting their venture with select partners, the duo seems to offer helping hand to the restaurant in engaging more customers. However, the fact remains unchanged, the early adopters of any technology always wins the bread.

With having created an epoch in the print media ads with first ever augmented based reality, Hindi Newspaper, the Yeppar app foresights the future of restaurant industry.
To know more about YeppAr, visit http// and to get an AR experience download yeppar from play store and App store.