UX Interface Pvt. Ltd. was set up on 1st April, 2014, It was founded by Mr. Sanjat Mishra, with his wife Mrs. Suchartita Mishra being the second director. UX Interface Pvt. Ltd. started in 2014 as a proprietorship firm. This June they made it into a Pvt. Ltd. Presently Mr. Sanjat heads the UX interface team. The company has featured in the 10 best Design Startups list and 30 best Startup in India 2017.
Mission: The Company found out a demand-supply gap in the industry. According to Mr. Sanjat, “In Indian industry, people are least concerned about the users (feedback) for whom they are getting feed.” The company aims at offering design services to the industry through thorough understanding of the users’ mental model. The process is known as User Experience Design. This is primarily the design of emotion or feelings. UX Interface Pvt. Ltd. intends to incorporate Psychology, Biology, and body/face reading etc. into their design. When someone build a product, he/she does have a clear idea about psyche of the end users. UX Interface Pvt. Ltd.’s design services that fill this gap and thereby helps the business grow. Presently they are providing UX design service (and promotion on social platforms). Although a product offering is not yet present, however, they seem to have a concept that is very much subjective. This concept has been used for the promotion of Baahubali 2 in UK as well.
Embarkation: Presently, the company is not targeting any particular customers, but they are trying for various domains. They believe their offering can be used extensively in various fields including culture. They have signed up with many clients including Bahubali 2 as social promoter in UK via UK based Distributor.

The company was started with the idea of shaping products for the customers not the other way round. They are focusing on user experience as of now and they are planning to introduce many new features in the coming times. Mr. Sanjat is very confident about his idea. “We are into UX, we understand the taste, culture, likes and dislikes and many things about the users. We then analyze what has to be delivered and finally go for the design expert”, he says.
The company does not have any investors as of now. And it believes that that has acted as a driving force for its growth. It has taken its first step by getting registered as a Pvt. Ltd. Company from a proprietorship firm. Although UX Interface Pvt. Ltd. started as a zero invested proprietorship firm with a single person, it’s having a team now who are handling a good number of client list, the details of which were not shared. The company believes that healthy competition is one in which you plough your own field and leverage your strength while improving on your weaknesses. Opportunities and threats are external factors that are to be handled with caution.
The company follows a strong social media marketing strategy. According to the founder, “Several things are there to improve (about the company) though. We all are in social media these days, also per day on an average we are using it for 2-3 hrs. Mostly the business man don’t understand how to use it. We follow certain process or discipline to market the product / individual and make it visible to the world.” UX Interface Pvt. Ltd. maintains a team who employ specific techniques to make it happen.
The startup’s uniqueness is their understanding of the user’s feeling or emotion which they use to analyze and design. Moreover, nature has acted as an inspiration to the company. Mr. Sanjat believes nature motivates them to design in such a way that can be accepted by any human in the world.
The company hire designers based more on their talent than their qualifications. They follow a 360 degree feedback system wherein inputs to the designs are taken from non-designers as well. UX Interface Pvt. Ltd. believes that sometimes non-designers come up with ideas better than the designers. The later then shape the idea using their technical expertise. This, according to the founder of UX Interface Pvt. Ltd. has been one of the success mantra for the company.
UX Interface Pvt. Ltd. offers different packages like Small, Medium, Large, Extra Large and XXL. These packages depend upon the client, target audience, business model etc. It also depends upon how they are taking the promotion and the kind of visual needs, interactive, blogs etc. that the client are using for promotion purposes.
The company’s first order was a small order that they got through one of Mr. Sanjat’s contact. Most of the company’s orders were from reference. However, UX Interface Pvt. Ltd. have started getting projects from social media now.
UX Interface Pvt. Ltd. does not follow any specific goal at present. It believes, as a startup it is ready to take any project, big or small. However, it seems interested to work on government projects in the future.
Secondly it believes that patience, hard work and dedication are the three essence of success in the market. According to Mr. Sanjat, “A peaceful mind and an active body can lead path of success.”