Mumbai, 17 Sept 2019: Sanskritech Solutions Pvt Ltd, is a prime healthcare company. Sanskritech has officially announced it’s cutting-edge advanced anytime health monitoring system. Most importantly, it is a self-check diagnostic point-of-care testing system. It is a kiosk which provides tests for over 55 tests with on-the-spot test reports.

Nowadays in cities, health is often ignored. Therefore, taking out time for diagnostic tests is impossible. Likewise, advanced pathology labs are not easily available in agrarian areas.
For this purpose, Swayam AHM is the solution. It is an advanced anytime health monitoring system. The advantages of using these systems are accessible diagnostic kiosks, user-friendly interface and instant tests in a printed format and a computerised online format.
Sanskritech’s founders Mr. Pritam Kumavat and Ms. Trupti Naik said, “We set out with a dream to create a smart solution to optimize reach of healthcare diagnostic service to people across India and we are proud to announce that today we have a device that offers over 55 basic and advanced tests, more than any single portable diagnostic system in the world. Moreover, the device is very affordable so that it betters healthcare services not just in the urban areas but also in the remote corners of the nation.”

Mr Pritam added, “From corporate houses, business parks, to rural healthcare centres, doctor’s clinics, shopping malls, airports, industries, and residential colonies, the possibilities of setting up Swayam kiosks are limitless.”
Sanskritech has developed Swayam with DELL EMC’s support. Moreover, it uses cloud modelled tech to collate medical records for future references. Swayam is the state-of-the-art self-monitoring diagnostic system. The portable machine has clinical-grade diagnostic services. In addition, it is Sanskritech wants to set up Swayam Kiosks like ATM centres all over India.
It offers a multitude of tests, including —Body mass index, Glucose testing, HbA1C marker test, Haemoglobin, Lipid assay, Urine tests, Creatinine, ECG, Cardiac Marker assay, Full blood work, Liver function test, Hormonal assay, Blood Borne Disease testing, Respiratory Disease testing, Pulmonary Function test, Metabolic Disease test, Vector-Borne Disease test, Skin disease test, Vision testing, Alcohol Analyzer, etc.
“For industries and corporates with a huge workforce, Swayam offers a cost-effective and space-saving healthcare facility. Swayam is not just a device but a movement that we want to take across India. We want every individual to feel more empowered and more confident by accessing better healthcare facilities. Swayam will take us closer to our dream of a healthier society and nation,” Ms Trupti added.
Sanskritech has planned its required logistics for installation. Moreover, Sanskritech has a plan for operational maintenance for every kiosk. Also, many healthcare professionals are affiliated for consultation. They have made stringent quality control for accuracy of the tests.
Swayam is a “Make in India” device. It will completely change the diagnostic infrastructure of India. In short, customers can go to their nearby Swayam kiosk to get their tests done within no time.