Tata Centre for Technology and Design (TCTD) to organise TCTD Symposium 2018 on 17th & 18th January, 2018 at VMCC, IIT Bombay

Tata Centre for Technology and Design (TCTD) to organise TCTD Symposium 2018 on 17th & 18th January, 2018 at VMCC, IIT Bombay

TCTD Symposium 2018 is the first annual conclave hosted by Tata Centre for Technology and Design (TCTD) at IIT Bombay, to showcase the technological solutions, ongoing interdisciplinary collaborations, institute-industry work agreements, joint projects with the faculty members from IIT Bombay and its sister centre MIT, USA, and the Tata Fellows’ engagement with the projects.

The theme – `Innovate to Transform’ – is expected to take on the challenges that academic institutions and stakeholders face in driving social innovation for better impact. Talks by experts, panel discussions, lightning presentations by faculty members from both IIT Bombay and MIT associated with Tata Centre, poster presentations by the Tata Fellows, and interactions with the IITB-MIT faculty members, are on the agenda at this event.

The projects covered under the seven domains of Tata Centre – Healthcare, Food & Agriculture, Energy, Waste Management, Education, Housing and Water – will be discussed in sessions across the symposium.

Visit https://tatacentreiitb.wordpress.com and http://tatacentre.iitb.ac.in for more details.