5th January 2021: If you thought being your own master is great then think again. For all the success, entrepreneurship is demanding. As you single-mindedly focus on work, family and self-take a backseat. As you push the family vacation for the next year to the next, your classic work-life balance loses its equilibrium. 

But let me share a secret.

If you strike it right you don’t have to say bye-bye to family life. Follow them dedicatedly and you can have your cake and eat it too!

Here are those golden tips for you to apply. 

So let’s get started:

  1. Prioritize: An entrepreneur has to meet many expectations and crucial deadlines. While you wear many hats you may get hugely puzzled as to where and how to start. Identify and tick the most crucial job from your to-do list. Pick that job which will push your business needle forward. Focus and complete it. Once done only then move on to the next. You will be surprised at the methodical manner in which you have performed. This also improves your productivity. Don’t believe me, try it.
Pooja Khera
  • Be tech-savvy: Technology is an important part of our lives especially apps. They facilitate better planning and optimized output.  Download an app that works best for your business. Use an app that integrates all your devices to schedule meetings or other jobs. Apps usually offer a whole range of facilities that make running a business easy. With various options and prompt reminders apps are effective in finishing a task. It also serves to manage time which is premium for everyone.
  • Schedule personal “Me Time”- As an entrepreneur time for self is often neglected or ignored. But remember, it is most important. Just like the needle that takes your business forward, me-time rejuvenates and energizes to do better. At the end of the day, you need to feel truly happy and contented knowing you are heading in the right direction.
  • Identify your peak time: Each one of us is productive at different times of the day or night! While some people are “morning persons” there are many who “night owls” are. Know the time you are most vibrant and get started. If you are a morning person, march on in the morning, if you are a night owl so burn the midnight oil.
  • Accounting and admin support: Having administrative and accounting support save much of your time so that you can concentrate on the core business. Though these are vital areas for any business, you have to focus on other issues that are more important. Hire a valuable resource who will give you the support you need to succeed.
  • New opportunities: New opportunities excite all of us. As entrepreneurs, you need to evaluate and weigh the pros and cons. This will help you figure if it is even meant to be. After all, one cannot get everything!
  • Have a routine: Draw up a routine you are most comfortable with. Be it exercise, meditation, listening to music, or anything that makes you happy. Stick to the routine. It helps to organize.

While running a business is demanding these small steps can really help avoid burnouts and improve the overall quality of life. You are already working hard so devoting the time that will enhance the quality of your life will make it all worthy. Breathe and take it easy.