We are publishing an interview of Mr. Raj Kumar Jalan, CEO & MD, Pan India Internet Pvt. Ltd. (A company that has created india’s largest online network of 475+ inter-linked websites)

About the founders
A serial entrepreneur with more than 35 years of experience in various Industries like IT, Internet, Hospitality, FMCG, Solar & Power Generation, he has done it all. Raj is a visionary, a complete workhorse, who brings out the best in his team. - RAHUL JALAN (CTO & Creative Head)
A creative mind with a passion for creating beautiful things. With more than 14 years of experience in designing and developing largest of portals and smallest of websites, Rahul is your guy to help you create absolutely anything for your business online.Rahul Jalan, CTO & Creative Head - SIDDHARTH JALAN (CFO & Business Head)
A fitness-freak who brings an amazing energy and discipline towards work, something which can be seen directly as a reflection in his team. With more than 10 years of experience in Sales & Business Development, Sid is our guy who brings in the money!Siddharth Jalan, CFO & Business Head
What is the problem you are trying to solve? Can you share with us any insights that led you to believe that this is a big enough problem?
The SME Sector of India is almost 4.5 crore Businesses today and not even 1% of these have a website or any digital presence. The contribution of this sector to the country’s GDP is massive and somebody needed to come up with a revolutionary idea to help these Businesses get online easily, and at very cost-effective prices. Ease of Use & Cost – Effectiveness is what we’re trying to address under our GETONLINE Initiative.
What is the uniqueness about your Startup?
Digital Marketing Solutions which are extremely Friendly &Cost Effective in promoting Businesses in their local catchment area i.e. from where they could drive relevant & new customers on a daily basis.
What is the revenue model? Explain your thought process.
The GETONLINE Initiative focuses on bringing all SMEs under the same roof & equip them with an amazing Website Solution, for which we have Premium Packages ranging between Rs.4,200 – Rs.16,000 annually, depending upon the Business’s requirements. The basic ideology behind keeping these prices so low was to ensure we’re able to cater to SMEs from the smallest cities & towns, and even villages from each & every corner of the country.
Businesses can still visit our platform to get a Website Solution for Free as well, which, however comes with limited features.
Who are the consumers that you are targeting? How is this going to affect them?
Small & Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are our target audience. Our GETONLINE Initiative is going to revolutionize the way SMEs operate and Market themselves. We aim at equipping this sector with our Revolutionary Digital Marketing Solutions.
What is the big picture of your startup? Will it lead to something bigger? If so, how?
IndiaOnline.in Target 2018 – Equip at least 1 Lac SMEs with Business Website Solution. It won’t lead to something bigger, but something which the country has only dreamt of. A country where Businesses completely rely on Digital Mediums to operate & do Business. A true vision of our Prime Minister, Mr. Narendra Modi, Digital India!
What is the success story of your startup in your own words?
When we started operations in 2012, our vision was to first create a platform which would be robust & expansive enough to provide services to all kinds of Businesses in any geography of the country. It took us almost 3 years to be market-ready and roll out our expansion plans, not to speak of the huge capital investment that went in creating this platform.
Initially, to get an individual / entrepreneur to become our Channel Partner was a huge challenge. It took us almost 6 months of effort to sign up our first Channel Partner (from Hyderabad) to trust our product & join hands with us.
Consolidated efforts over the past 1 year has seen IndiaOnline.in expand wings to more than 45 cities, with a network of over 40 Channel Partners.
The biggest achievement & satisfaction, we feel, is that we’ve been able to deliver a platform, through which more than 40 Individuals are earning their livelihood and are further supporting the families of numerous people engaged with them. Creating livelihoods is, we believe, something that will always give us a lot of satisfaction.We intend to have a network of nearly 4000 channel partners in couple of years which will be a great self-employment opportunity for new entrepreneurs.
Thanks Mr. Jalan. Best of luck!