Facing Interview rejection? I have been there, you have been there and this is not the last time.
We’ve all been there. Job rejection is really not a good experience, especially if you keep facing rejection one after another. Over a period of time, this is enough to break one’s spirit and confidence. A job rejection does not only bring a negative experience but also comes up with a lot of consequences. One might start having self-doubt, lose faith in himself and feel dejected for several days.
I remember once I was on the job hunt, and I keep getting rejected even when the interview went very well. Or at least that’s I thought so.
I was always preparing well before appearing for the interview. Sometimes I had an amazing conversation with employers yet I was not the obvious choice for them. The final outcome came with utter disappointment. This was indeed frustrating and not fun at all.
There are several instances when I was selected but I politely declined the offer as the profile just didn’t fit my expertise. However, I have learned some valuable lessons from each one. These experiences taught me something about my process of job search, my approaches to present myself and more importantly my capabilities to handle the rejection.

So if you are not hearing positive, here are a few things to keep you remain positive, and optimistic.
Accept the Rejection: Let’s face it. Rejection is real and after the interview, you may get a call, text or email regarding it or maybe you hear nothing. You have to accept that whatever has happened, had a reason. Sometimes the interviewer has many perspectives to hire a candidate, and you might not fit into all of them. You have to accept with an open heart that it was not for you. So dwelling upon won’t bring anything good. Accepting the current situation and the bitter truth is important to make another crucial move.
You are not the only one: Understand that there are multiple people getting rejected every day. In Fact, the job you have been trying to get, had several other candidates rejected. This is like a cycle so you need not feel pity for yourself. Reaching out to friends, family members or people who share the same kind of experience is a big relief. The mutual help and support will enlighten you to understand that it’s part of the whole process.
There is always room for improvement: Take a step back and analyze the whole process. Where did you go wrong? what is it that you were not able to deliver in the interview? Ask for feedback from the employer. Was it the lack of technical knowledge? was it your attitude they did not like? Did the position require more experience or expertise? Was it your lack of enthusiasm or interest in the job?
There are multiple factors to consider and you need to think from the employer’s perspective, what would you want from a potential candidate for this role? As I already stated there are multiple perspectives to hire an employee, it’s always a good idea to acknowledge your weakness. Assessing your shortcomings will help you to understand the areas where you can excel and where you can improve.
Do not dwell upon the past: Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. Buddha’
It’s a basic human nature to think about failure over and over. Sometimes the rejection hurts so much that you start feeling pity for ourselves. So what’s the outcome of this? You can not focus on the next big opportunity.
You have to accept your responsibility for your part in the rejection. Neither you nor the employer is supposed to put the blame upon. Instead of adopting a negative attitude, accept where you have possibly gone wrong. Do not lose faith in yourself and act on your flaws to prevent mistakes being repeated in the future. Being rejected from certain interviews does not mean that you do not deserve something bigger in life.
Keep Exploring with fresh approaches: lLearn from your previous mistakes. Accept each new interview opportunity with a fresh perspective. If you are getting rejected repeatedly in interviews, then review the circumstances. Tailor your CV again according to the skills required for the job.Keep reminding yourself that if a company has called you for an interview, it means they must have seen some good qualities in your profile. Relying on your personality and experience, go for the interview with the perspective that you can be the ideal candidate for them.
Author Bio: Author- Arjun Singh Rana. From the recruitment industry to Blockchain and Digital Marketing, Arjun has gone through the drastic change in his career. He is currently working as a Digital Marketing Consultant with TalentsCrew, an online job portal. He writes on career development, Blockchain, and his favourite topic SEO. In his free time, he watches movies, travel and reads.