New Delhi | 6th April 2020: As part of their continuing efforts to support enterprise customers and their workers during the current crisis, Udacity has created and released a free course in collaboration with Upwork, the leading online talent solution, to promote best practices for remote team management as many companies find themselves working with distributed teams for the first time. A one-hour course, Managing Remote Teams with Upwork will help managers and other team leaders learn the tools and develop the skills and strategies needed to hire, manage, and optimize remote teams.

“As businesses strive to continue day-to-day operations during the COVID-19 pandemic, they need to adapt their processes to what is quickly becoming the new normal,” said Gabriel Dalporto, CEO, Udacity. “Remote work has replaced on-site interactions for countless workers across the globe. While many tasks can be completed from home, the best practices for doing so – and for managing this newly distributed workforce – are still something of an enigma to many team leads. At Udacity, we wanted to provide a solution to help our customers better understand how to operate in an online workspace. Upwork proved to be the perfect partner to help us close that knowledge gap.” 

“The rapid pivot to adopting fully remote teams can be jarring for organizations. We are working to provide solutions that can help our customers, as well as the general public, successfully adapt to working with a distributed workforce in light of COVID-19,” said Hayden Brown, President and CEO, Upwork.  “For over 20 years, we’ve helped businesses of all sizes increase effectiveness by working with independent professionals located around the world. By partnering to share our expertise with Udacity’s network of enterprise clients and other learners, we’re able to have the greatest impact for those in need of skills development to better manage their distributed teams.”

Managing Remote Teams with Upwork is a free course that is now available to Udacity learners. For more information, or to sign up for an account, visit