ІоТ Investors Day

IoT Investors Day will take place on 9th of December in Sheraton Bangalore Hotel, Bangalore, India.

The leading industry professionals of IoT industry where invited to share their knowledge and experience with our attendees. During the one-day conference speakers will reveal a variety of topics in different sectors of IoT Industry.

ІоТ Investors Day

At the conference will be presented topics in the following areas:
– IoT market and IoT start ups;
– IoT and smart cities;
– IoT and Energy Management in Retail;
– IoT and Agrobusiness;
– IoT and smart manufacture and other.

Among speakers of IoT Investors Day you will find Syam Madanapalli, IoT Engineer in Dell Company, Sanjeev Malhotra, CEO at NASSCOM, Manisha Sharma Kohli and Sougata Mukherjea, IoT experts in IBM and many others.

You could find more information in the official website: www.iot-investorsday.com
Get your ticket today and meet with greaters at IoT Investors Day!