An April Fool Prank Done Right – Zoomwheel By Zoomcar

• As many as 16,843 users believed the disruptive offering by Zoomcar and signed up for Zoomwheel • Zoomcar will offer free movie coupons and Gaana subscriptions to mollify the users who had registered for Zoomwheel


New Delhi, May 14, 2019: Ever year on the occasion of April Fool’s Day, we witness companies making mighty tall promises that fall flat, with the users deciphering it as a prank, within minutes. Zoomcar, had a contrasting approach this year.

On 8th of April, Zoomcar had announced its disruptive offering – Zoomwheel. A single-tyre intelligent electric vehicle, Zoomwheel was set to allow Indians to zip pass anywhere in the city. The offering was received very well by the audience, and understandably so, given the traffic and commuting woes prevalent in the Indian cities and Zoomcar’s commitment to helping users overcome mobility challenges. However, the 16,843 users who had registered for Zoomwheel will be left waiting for a bit longer, as Zoomcar revealed it to be an innocuous April Fool Prank.

Zoomcar was well aware of how the users scrutinize each and every new offer made on April 1 as different brands try pranking their users to no avail. However, staying true to its nature, Zoomcar went a mile ahead and announced Zoomwheel in the subsequent week to get to the non-suspecting users. The results were spectacular, as nobody doubted the latest offering and as many as 16,843 enthusiasts registered at the platform to grab the Zoomwheel at the earliest. And while the company had a lot of fun, it is now mollifying the registered users of Zoomwheel prank. The first 100 registered users will receive free movie ticket coupons, plus the rest would take home free 3 months’ of free subscription from Gaana.

What’s real is, Zoomcar understanding the need for last mile hassle-free commuting solutions that don’t take a toll on the environment, and soon will be launching a product for the same, which is in its testing phase.