DCB Bank To Organize a Non Stop 30 Hours Fintech Hackathon in Association With Dev Accelerators in Six Cities

DCB Bank in association with Dev Accelerators is organizing a first of its kind Non Stop 30 hours Fintech Hackathon in six cities i.e. Gurgaon, Ahmedabad, Mumbai, Bengaluru, Pune and Hyderabad.

DCB Bank has started this initiative to promote the development of financial technology for DCB Bank and its customers with help of Fintech. We look forward for innovations in Lending, Risk management, Trading, Investing, Personal finance, Big Data, Retail banking, Regulatory compliance, Mobile payments, Security and Enterprise social.

DCB Bank To Organize a Non Stop 30 Hours Fintech Hackathon in Association With Dev Accelerators in Six Cities

This Fintech Hackathon is for you:

  • If you always wanted to build a Fintech solution but was waiting for something to happen.
  • If you are looking for a technical co-founder for your business ideas, come here, build your team, build prototype, compete with others and learn a thing or two of working with your potential co-founder.
  • If you are a student and want to meet mentors, test your skills with peers, gain knowledge pursue excellence.

Timing Details:

  • Hackathon will start sharp at 01:00 PM on 18th November, 2017 and it will end at 07:00 PM on 19th November, 2017.
  • Participants need to report maximum by 12 O’clock on 18th November,2017

Click here for Prizes, Banking Use Cases, Judging Criteria and Rules.