Why These Two Digital Marketers are Now Concentrating on Publishing Industry in India?
Satmeet Singh
Satmeet Singh

Satmeet Singh and Pranav Shree have worked relentlessly with a lot of enterprises and start-ups as Digital Marketers. The thriving career brought heap load of cash and work their way but the duo is no more interested in working merely as Digital Marketers, why? What went wrong and what they are planning to do next?

Satmeet Singh is an MBA in Insurance and Financial Planning who works as a Digital Marketer and provides quality Personal Finance Management Services. His understanding of Business Expansion and Development has turned out to be an asset for varied enterprises and small-scale businesses. His dream project Sure Zindagi has started to become a rage and everyone seems to find it helpful. Considered to be a top class marketer among Financial Planners, Satmeet Singh is now looking forward to spread wings and cover as many genres as he can. Pocket Culture is an attempt to evolve the veteran publishing scene in India.

Pranav Shree is a fulltime writer and a blogger, who also take keen interest in books related to Finance. Pranav’s experience with varied investment tool has leveraged him with enough experience to write a book and help people make better financial decisions. Pranav also runs a small business, Word Pinnacle, which caters to author in need of services like Author Branding and Book Promotions. Word pinnacle is also a self-reliant brand, which generates revenue through varied channels like Affiliate Marketing, Social Media Management, Cover Design and Content Writing services.

Pranav Shree
Pranav Shree

The Journey of Pivoting & Trying new things:
Satmeet Singh & Pranav Shree recently released a Pocket Book on Personal Finance named Pocket Culture: The Craft of Getting Rich. Education Secretary of Bihar and District Magistrate of Vaishali launched the book on 6th May at an event in Bihar. Local press and electronic media carried out the news of Book Launch with a lot of enthusiasm and also praised the quality efforts the duo is putting in to help people manage their Personal Finance better.

Discovering the Problem:
The duo was eager to come up with a book that talks about the minute details of personal finance management and helps people make better decisions. It was only when they decided to publish their book on their own, instead of going ahead with a few willing Publishers that they countered the major hurdles of making a book successful.

The duo was stunned to discover that self-publishing houses are charging bomb to the authors and leaving them with no help when it comes to book marketing. They started researching relentlessly, the research combined of stalking publishers, failed authors, successful authors and marketing agencies, and they realized, while the Publishing Industry is mature and very much crowded the book marketing genre is nascent and requires a disruption. Book Marketing is a misunderstood term and the paradigm, agencies follow is very much revenue oriented and not result oriented. Agencies are trying to mint quick money with book marketing leaving authors with almost nothing as results.

How bad is the situation?
Pranav believes that Book Marketing should never be done with the intent of garnering instant results; it should be always be a meticulously thought strategy. The contemporary industry is in very bad shape, reviewers are charging 500 to 2000INR per review along with a review copy and ending up writing a 100 word review on their blogs hosted either on .blogpost or .WordPress platforms. Search Engines have started outranking these sites, which means the spent money is going to show no result when the searches related to book or relevant keywords are made.

Authors tend to put up posts related to their book on their Facebook timelines on daily basis in name of marketing but what they are actually doing is Book Spamming, which might put off a lot interested readers. A lot of agencies actually have no ideas that could lead to sales or requisite results.

Why These Two Digital Marketers are Now Concentrating on Publishing Industry in India?
Satmeet Singh & Pranav Shree recently released a Pocket Book on Personal Finance named Pocket Culture: The Craft of Getting Rich

The Solution is here:
Word Pinnacle till now catered to people in need of services like Content Writing and Cover Design but now they are opening up a bit more to provide authors with services that is actually going to benefit them in the long run.

The team at Word Pinnacle understands that selling books require “Repetitive Marketing” approach and not the very popular aggressive approach because books are perceived differently.

What is in the satchel?
Making the most of real Internet: The small business is now aiming to role in search engine optimization and help authors become visible on the real Internet. Having worked as Digital Marketers with a lot of brands, the Duo now knows what it takes to make a blog rank on the first page in search results. The same paradigm when followed for book reviews and book marketing can help authors discover new and loyal audience base.

Note: As an Author, don’t you think it would be amazing, if someone made a search related to “Horror Story” and first thing he or she discovers is a Horror Book written by you. Yes! It is possible for you to reach out to people by targeting keywords related to your story.

Promoting the Author as a Brand and not the Book: While promoting the book is important to drive sales but the book should always be considered a Product and Authors the Brand. Establishing authors as a Brand through Social Media Marketing, Content Marketing and Pay Per Click ad is going to prove way more beneficial than spending a lot in hiring reviewers, who review on web 2.0 sites.

Promoting an author as a brand instead of a book as a brand, prepares a platform for the future endeavour authors may be planning to plunge in. One should always develop a Facebook Page, Website and other social media accounts on the name of Authors and not the book.

Developing a one stop shop for all book related news: Word Pinnacle has its varied content ranking among the top few pages of Search Results, which signifies that they are working hard to be one stop shop for all book related news. Author Profiles and Book Reviews posted on site are helping the brand drive some good amount of Organic Traffic.

The duo has spent hours looking up for marketing tactics to promote their book and make it a success and now they are willing to provide the similar services to authors and publishing houses in need.

These Two Digital Marketers are Now Concentrating on Publishing Industry in India

Some of the book marketing practices those are ever-green and will never go out of trend:

Sending PR articles: If you can, then role in as many platforms as you can and spread the word. As mentioned, it is only through Repetitive Marketing that we can influence readers to give our book a try and drive sales.

Hosting Book Launch: Give the people around you with an opportunity to become a part of an event like never before because Word of Mouth is a big thing. When people come to such events, they go around talking about it, which indeed is the real marketing of you as a Brand. Organize as many such events as you can and try to role in as many different people you can.

  • Donate books to reputed libraries and NGOs
  • Get in touch with local news channels and papers
  • Ask social media influencers to talk about your book