We are publishing an interview of Mr. Amit Singhi, CoFounder, Genecorp.
About the founders
- Anand Prasad – A computer science engineer (NIT Warangal) and an MBA (IIM Calcutta). He has expertise in technology and IT Management. He has published IEEE Xplore research paper on AI based prediction of success of Industrial Projects. Link here – http://bit.ly/2bsGl83. He manages the product (Android app) and the genetic healthcare algorithm along with Sandip.
- Sandip Agrawal – The second techie co-founder is Anand’s classmate in NIT Warangal CSE class of 2010. He has been an expert IT Consultant working for over 15 MNCs in 5 years’ time. He takes care of back-end architecture and deploys algorithms on server side. He is managing the back-end of the app.
- Amit Singhi – He is a Chartered Accountant and an MBA from NMIMS and a hardcore marketer. He handles marketing, branding, growth and partnerships of the company. He oversees the entire sales of our product to hospitals, clinics, the business communities and the premier customer segments in multiple cities in India.
What is the problem you are trying to solve? Can you share with us any insights that led you to believe that this is a big enough problem?
We are changing and so is our lifestyle. Sadly, the move has adversely affected our health and we are reeling under constant fear of diseases like cancer, diabetes, etc. We don’t want people to wait for diseases rather adopt a lifestyle which helps them prevent it.
India is currently Diabetic Capital of the World. Every minute approximately 2 people get heart attack of whom only 1 survives. Cancer is moving faster than ever. Numbers are many, conclusion is one – we want a mechanism to prevent diseases from happening. Genecorp is exactly that.
What is the uniqueness about your Startup?
Our health is guided primarily by two factors – Our make i.e our genes and our act i.e our lifestyle. Genecorp is the World’s first app which will utilise both these information on a continuous basis to give your health suggestions. It will not only help achieve your fitness goals but also prevent diseases like diabetes, cancer, heart diseases, etc
What is the revenue model? What is the logic behind it? What is the model you are following – Free / Freemium / Premium etc. ? Explain your thought process.
Currently there are two segments to our business. For us to consult anyone, we need his genetic data so we get a genetic test done for all our customers. The cost ranges from INR 7k to 20k depending on the depth. This cost also included multiple counselling on genetic and lifestyle level. Once our client starts using our app, it is free. People can track their lifestyle, get regular suggestions to take a step towards healthy lifestyle. Not just that, they will be able to track their health too including BP, Blood Sugar, etc.
The app has premium features where user can get in touch with a trainer, get his meal plans, get recipes, etc.

Who are the consumers that you are targeting? How is this going to affect them?
Given our product, we believe everyone should stay healthy and hence, everyone should be a customer. However, from a marketing standpoint, we are targeting two set of customers:
– Age 30-55
– Age 5-17
We target these segment by tying up with corporates, schools, hospitals, etc.
For a person aged 30-55, it is very important to move towards a better lifestyle because his inherent immune system is generally weak at that age. This is the reason why most disorders happen at this age. Our test can help an individual boost his immune and move towards a healthier lifestyle.
A child generally conforms to lifestyle chosen by his parent. It is very important for a parent to know that what they have chosen for their kid is right for the kid. Our test can help a parent choose what is right.
What is the big picture of your startup? Will it lead to something bigger? If so, how?
There was a time when people used to get diseases and had no medicines, then came a time when most diseases are curable and now is the time when most diseases are preventable. We, at Genecorp, are leading this changes and we believe if we are able to prevent diseases for our clients we will be more than successful.
There will come a time when people will eat and exercise according to their genetic predisposition, their fitness goals and their disease risks. We at Genecorp are trying to make this information available with them.
What is the success story of your startup in your own words?
We have success stories where people lost weight or few started feeling light post dinner, few said diabetes seems more controllable, for some we saw lipid profile moving towards favourable but the biggest satisfaction for us (which cannot be measured in the shorter run) that our clients are moving towards a preventive lifestyle. They will not know but we know that each day of them following our plan, they are pushing a disorder lurking around.
Any other information about your startup that you would like to share with us.
We have recently launching a genetic plan for diabetes. This plan marks our entry into a vision of targeting specific disease and help our clients manage lifestyle disorders. A user of this plan (DiaCURE) will have access to his DNA-diet plan, a list of 50+ medicines with a genetic answer if he should have the medicine or not or increase the dosage (so that meds are more effective) and a genetic predisposition of 10+ disease which one is more susceptible to, due to diabetes viz. heart related disorder, diabetic retinopathy, etc.
The simple idea is, for a diabetic there are only 3 things which is very important – his food, his meds and impact of diabetes on his body. With DiaCURE, we are taking of all 3. Visit http://genecorp.in for more details.
Thanks Amit. Best of luck!